
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Book Review | A Charming Death (do us part) by Tonya Kappes

A Charming Death (do us part) (Magical Cures Mystery #7.5)A Charming Death (do us part) by Tonya Kappes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this novelette in which Oscar and June finally got married! There was just enough of a mystery to whet my appetite for the next book, but it was the beautiful wedding storyline I enjoyed most. I've been rooting for this couple for what feels like years, and I'm so happy they are finally married! This book was a wonderful mix of mystery and romance, which was just what I needed to get me back to reading.

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Why Bother?

Earlier today, I was cleaning my kitchen, again. It seems every time I think it's clean, suddenly more dishes stack up and the counters are full of crumbs again. The same thing happens in the bathroom: I clean it, only to see soap scum build up quickly, water all over the counter, and hair all over the floor. Why bother?! It takes a lot of my energy to clean up just one or two things around the house, and I always have to rest afterward. So when I see that it doesn't last long, I get so frustrated. And it's not because I have a messy household. My husband and I do the best to clean up behind ourselves, and there are no kids making their own mess. It's just life. Life is messy. And you have to deal with it.

But I don't always feel like dealing with it. For the past several months, I've been feeling tired, depressed, and stressed out. I have no idea why. I keep trying to think of why, but I don't come up with any answers. I think maybe it's from not getting any work done. I haven't touched my draft in months. But when I think about picking it up to work on, my stress increases. It seems my body and mind just want a break. Which is OK, but it still bothers me. Why? I don't have a clue.

Do you ever get the moody blues and don't know why? What do you do to figure out the problem and fix it? Me, I try to write a list of what's bothering me, even if it takes me a while to come with something, and even if that something is ludicrous. Right now, it's that I'm bored. I'm bored with writing, frustrated even. Yes, I want to finish my book. but I know when I do, I have a lot of work coming for editing and formatting it for publication. Yikes! That just freaks me out right now. So, instead, I do nothing. And nothing seems to make things worse. And so it's an endless cycle. 

What I really want to do is find another hobby that will fill my soul while I take a break from my writing. But I have no idea what to do. So, I thought I'd ask you. What are your hobbies? What would you suggest I do to get my creative energy flowing again? Thanks in advance for your help!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Book Review | The Stone Key by Natasha Brown

The Stone KeyThe Stone Key by Natasha Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nimrod and Pepper's second adventure was even more incredible than their first! When I met them in The Novel Adventures of Nimrod Vale Book 1, I got to know Nimrod fairly well. But I feel like I got to know Pepper a lot better in this adventure, and I love her! The two make an incredible pair.

The second adventure was more thrilling than the first. The world they find and explore is so imaginative and beautiful. The author used a lot of scientific words and phrases to discuss events and clues they were following, but I found myself following along very easily, and even trying to guess at things here and there. I loved it!

The secondary story, which of course is Nim and Pepper's actual lives, focused more on Pepper this time, which is why I feel I know her so much better. There is so much more to her character than I realized. I'm so glad it was included in this story. I hope both Nim and Pepper's characters continue to grow with each new adventure they take.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Come Celebrate!

Are you looking for a new book website? Well, stop looking. YA Insider has officially opened!

This website has "the inside scoop on YA books." You'll meet new authors, discover great books, read and post reviews, and share your love  of YA. During the month of May, YA Insider is celebrating their Grand Opening with a month-long party and giveaway. Each day, you'll have a chance to answer questions from participating authors, including Moi, for a chance at winning one of their books. There's also a Rafflecopter with plenty of chances to enter to win the big prize: a $20 Amazon gift card!

So stop by, look around, and enter the sweepstakes. Check out new releases, and learn how to post your own reviews. Have fun!