
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Great Blog for College Students

I recently discovered a blog for college students, and I'm really enjoying the information it provides. As Life Grows  provides great information for college Freshman about college life, relationships, and favorite things. The website has courses you can sign up for as well to help prepare you for your freshman year and get through it with ease. Right now Samantha Kearns, the blogger, is offering a preparation class for freshman students who are starting in the fall called "Launch into Freshman Year." 

Of course, you don't have to sign up for the courses. They are a bonus of the website if you feel you want to take them. But there's plenty of free information, as well. Take a look at the posts and you'll get an idea if the blog is right for you. You can sign up to receive Samantha's newsletter, which provides more tips and tricks. She has put a lot of thought into the information she provides, and I think it's a great resource.

While you're touring the blog, be sure to register to receive free printables, including an ebook, organization tips, studying tips, and so much more. 

I love researching blogs for my readers, and I hope you enjoy As Life Grows. Let me know if you check it out, and if it's useful to you.

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